You are breast feeding your newborn and your friend is bottle feeding her baby. Which statements are true and which are false??
- Always make sure your baby is burped in between bottle or breast feeds.
- Breast feeders may not burp because they get less air.
- Bottle feeders may burp more because they get more air.
- If a baby pulls away from the breast he/she probably needs to be burped.
- Feeding the baby too fast with breast or bottle can cause air to accumulate in the stomach.
- Burping the baby does not release gas and or air from the baby.
- Bottle feeders should burp baby after 4-5 ounces on milk
- Breast feeders should burp baby after 2-3 ounces of milk
- Basically there really isn’t a need to burp the baby after they have finished feeding – that is a myth.