What to never do after birth

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You had your baby.  Wow! Your vagina has gone through a lot.  It maybe sore, swollen, swelling, uncomfortable or just  painful.  Which one below is should never ever be used – postpartum or not!  A lot of women do not know this answer.  Think about it, you may need to take my class. 

1- Put ice or a cold pack to the perineal area for 10-20 min at a time. Never put ice or ice pack directly to the skin use a thin cloth or wash cloth.

2- Sit in 3-4 inches of water,  just enough to submerged your hips and buttocks for approximately 15-20 minutes three to four times a day.  

3- Take a cleansing Douche , it will make you feel comfortable and clean

4- Use Witch Hazel Pads this will help reduce swelling and decrease pain and helps prevent infection and Lidocaine Spray- Dermaplast  – pain relieving spray.  Use three- four times a day 

Babies DO come with Instructions

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