Are you prepared for your new baby?

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The Birthing Center of NY would like to thank all of mother’s and significant others that took our Birthing Classes.  What makes our classes special? How does the Birthing Center of NY prepare you for your special occasion?

  1. We use hands on demonstrations, we have the equipment to actually practice.
  2. You and your partner experience a simulated labor. You practice timing your contractions using your contractions app on your phone as well as on paper. 
  3. When the simulated labor prompts you that a contraction is coming you learn to use different relaxation exercises during the simulated contractions, when you have real contractions you will know what to do!
  4. We teach you what to expect with an epidural, what possible pain medications are available.
  5. We teach signs and symptoms of labor and the various stages of labor – this includes why there is the possibility of needing to artificially rupture the membranes, performing an episiotomy and possible laceration repair
  6. What a vacuum assisted delivery is and when this might happen, what to expect afterwards 
  7. Each lecture and class allows time for questions and is followed with a video to reinforce what was taught 
  8. Mother and significant others have a set up of anatomically correct dolls and tools for feeding and complete washing of the baby, washing hair , changing diaper, umbilical cord care, baby temperature, etc.
  9. We teach postpartum care. 
  10. We cover baby safety, tummy time, at the end of the class you learn infant CPR and Infant Choking ( Bonus-optional)
  11. With permission pics are taken through out the class and sent back to you after class for your memory and you get a certificate of completion.
  12. Taking care of someone else’s child is not the same as taking care of your own child. The need to know is so important! Take my class and learn and have fun doing it !!! 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!