Labor Go-Bag Essentials – Do you know what is important?

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Labor can be very unpredictable. You should have your “Go-Bag” packed and ready by the time you are 36 weeks.  Check with your hospital or birth facility if your items can be brought with you (some may not allow food, etc.).  

Pick out the statement that includes unacceptable items to bring to the hospital or birth facility- read carefully!!

  • Car seat, peanut ball, play list of your favorite music, under garments such as a supportive ( nursing) bra, baby clothes and fitted baby hat.
  • Scented Candles,  flame lighter for candles, cell phone and charger,  clear liquids.  
  • Picture ID and insurance card, Birth Plan, any type of oils and diffuser, nursing pillow. Reading scripts
  • Extra pillows, birthing ball or peanut ball,  sodas, dessert cakes, pain medication,  toiletries, battery operated flickering candles.

The Birthing Center of NY classes can be very helpful! Looking forward to meeting you ! Sign up soon !

Babies DO come with Instructions

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