Confused and Crazy!

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Congratulations! Your precious baby is due soon and your family and significant other are very confused.Have you gone crazy, have you lost your mind? You are cleaning everything. You are cleaning things you have not cleaned in years. You are moving the furniture around, changing and re- changing the nursery, doing all the laundry, etc. It’s like you can’t stop. You have such a burst of energy! Why? Is this normal? Take my class. Can you pick the correct answer from below?

  • It is called nesting it is a burst of energy a compulsion to get a lot of things done prior to your new one coming.
  • You are exhibiting signs of anxiety and probably need to attend a support group for mothers to be.
  • This is absolutely normal and can occur days or weeks prior to your delivery
  • You may have a hormonal imbalance and need to see your OB provider for consultation.